Hello, I noticed that the CAT API is down. I would like to kindly ask you whether you could get it back up online by Monday (January 7th)? I am currently working on a project that’s using the CatAPI which I am going to demo / present it to the class on Monday. Thank you
Thanks for the post @JTCatLover, I’m looking into it now, here’s the ticket for updates - https://trello.com/c/6Fyg0JST/104-thecatapi-is-down-512018
There’s one more bug I want to report. I could not get any data when “Malayan” breed was selected.
Thank you so much for looking into it so quickly . I am truly grateful.
No worries @JTCatLover, The API should be back up and running now, it was a failed DNS / IP reference so potentially could take a little longer to roll out depending on your ISP.
Thanks for reporting the Malayan bug, I’m assuming you mean that there’s no Images returned for that Breed. If so then I’ve just opened a support ticket and will take a look. Here’s the ticket for updates - https://trello.com/c/tEl15LjM/105-bug-malayan-cat-not-providing-any-cats
If there’s anything else i can do to help make your project a success just let me know! Aden.
Hey @JTCatLover, there should be 3 Malayan Cat images returned via ‘/images/search’ with a valid API Key, let me know if you have any other issues though.
Best, Aden
Hey Aden, thank you so much for fixing API so quickly. I would also like to thank you for making this wonderful CAT API. It’s a really good API to practice my skills. This API is also very motivating because I love cats!
Best, Jian Ting