Getting maximum 7-8 different dog images

Hello @Aden . Really appreciate the API . However I noticed that there are not many dog pics getting retrieved. Just the same 7-8 pics .

The following was my GET request -

This is the response I get -
[ { "breeds": [ { "bred_for": "Fighting", "breed_group": "Terrier", "country_code": "US", "height": { "imperial": "17 - 21", "metric": "43 - 53" }, "id": 15, "life_span": "10 - 15 years", "name": "American Pit Bull Terrier", "temperament": "Strong Willed, Stubborn, Friendly, Clownish, Affectionate, Loyal, Obedient, Intelligent, Courageous", "weight": { "imperial": "30 - 60", "metric": "14 - 27" } } ], "height": 244, "id": "HkC31gcNm", "url": "", "width": 300 }, { "breeds": [ { "bred_for": "Sheep guardian", "breed_group": "Working", "height": { "imperial": "25 - 32", "metric": "64 - 81" }, "id": 125, "life_span": "10 - 12 years", "name": "Great Pyrenees", "temperament": "Strong Willed, Fearless, Affectionate, Patient, Gentle, Confident", "weight": { "imperial": "85 - 115", "metric": "39 - 52" } } ], "height": 550, "id": "B12uzg9V7", "url": "", "width": 800 }, { "breeds": [ { "bred_for": "Small rodent hunting, lapdog", "breed_group": "Toy", "height": { "imperial": "9 - 11.5", "metric": "23 - 29" }, "id": 1, "life_span": "10 - 12 years", "name": "Affenpinscher", "origin": "Germany, France", "temperament": "Stubborn, Curious, Playful, Adventurous, Active, Fun-loving", "weight": { "imperial": "6 - 13", "metric": "3 - 6" } } ], "height": 1050, "id": "WYKqUtgMB", "url": "", "width": 1399 }, { "breeds": [], "height": 370, "id": "d1BTZDNE8", "url": "", "width": 730 }, { "breeds": [], "height": 500, "id": "5cTBLUIxD", "url": "", "width": 808 }, { "breeds": [], "height": 119, "id": "wd68jwRjD", "url": "", "width": 138 }, { "breeds": [], "height": 313, "id": "Ki9uZDMNA", "url": "", "width": 313 } ]

Am I doing something wrong here or are there a shortage of dog pics ?

Try removing mime_types=png. Most of the images are in jpg format, so I assume you’re only getting the odd few that were uploaded in png format.

If you need them to always be in png format, you’ll probably have to write your own service to convert them. I wouldn’t recommend it though, since png would be very inefficient for photographs, and you’ll end up with huge filesizes.

@t3rminus You saved my day !! Thanks a lot. Just another question. I see there is incomplete data for some objects returned ; like there is “description” missing for most of the breeds…
Is there another endpoint I can use to get details about each breed using the breed_id ?

@Pratik from the looks of things, there’s no other endpoint that you can use. Breed info seems to be still in its early stages, and it’s incomplete in a lot of ways.

If you need something comprehensive, I’d say you should supplement the information here with a secondary database (or, better yet, use an external database for information, and this API for photos only). Google search seems to turn up quite a few comprehensive sources of information on dog breeds.